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Saturday, March 26, 2011

GREEN WIN! - News Update 25th March - We're getting there!

Just an other blog post...
News Update 25th March
Stakeholders: The process for the share issue is progressing rapidly now. We will guide you through the steps re opening an account with the clearing house that will handle all share dealing. You will have the choice to open an account directly or to have your broker or bank provide you with a custodian account service.

The valauation process is also underway now and the expectation is that the shares price will begin at around 5 Euros. You will all have the opportunity to download or access the valuation prospectus for GreenWin Corp AB when the process is completed and published. 

Please wait for further info to be posted.

The possibility to purchase PEPs will end as soon as we begin the share registration process for stakeholders. So any one wanting to convert their balance into PEPs or to purchase PEPs should do so ASAP

GWN: We should be able to give you more info by the end of next week re selling off part or all of GreenWin Network Ltd.

Services Launch: Currently being tested after further bug fixes. Also subject to a release date decision by management pending the future direction of GWN after sell off.
-------------------------- End Update -------------------------

If you don't know much - or nothing at all, yet - about GreenWin! Network / GreenWin! Group, please feel free to either search my Blog here at IBS or go directly to my GreenWin! Blog at 

To Join GreenWin! simply click on the Link below and

Once inside you have all the possibilities the Backoffice offers and also the opportunity to purchase some PEPs, which personally I'd like to urge you to do as thiey will turn out to be your Personal Retirement Plan:

Yes!! I want in!!

Let The Success Always Be With You! 

Cheers from Lima, Peru

Thomas Jungblut



News Update 25th March - We're getting there!

Just an other blog post...

News Update 25th March

The process for the share issue is progressing rapidly now. We will guide you through the steps re opening an account with the clearing house that will handle all share dealing. You will have the choice to open an account directly or to have your broker or bank provide you with a custodian account service.

The valauation process is also underway now and the expectation is that the shares price will begin at around 5 Euros. You will all have the opportunity to download or access the valuation prospectus for GreenWin Corp AB when the process is completed and published.

Please wait for further info to be posted.

The possibility to purchase PEPs will end as soon as we begin the share registration process for stakeholders. So any one wanting to convert their balance into PEPs or to purchase PEPs should do so ASAP

We should be able to give you more info by the end of next week re selling off part or all of GreenWin Network Ltd.

Services Launch: Currently being tested after further bug fixes. Also subject to a release date decision by management pending the future direction of GWN after sell off.
--------------------------- End Update --------------------------

If you don't know much - or nothing at all, yet - about GreenWin! Network / GreenWin! Group, please feel free to search this Blog and review all posts.

To Join GreenWin! simply click on the Link below and

Register for FREE

Once inside you have all the possibilities the Backoffice offers and also the opportunity to purchase some PEPs, which personally I'd like to urge you to do as thiey will turn out to be your Personal Retirement Plan: 

Let The Success Always Be With You!


Cheers from Lima, Peru

Thomas Jungblut



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

GREENWIN - News Update 14th March - IPO: 1st phase has started!

Just an other blog post... 

News Update 14th March 

Stakeholders: The 1st phase of the IPO process has now started. When completed, the PEPs will be converted into shares in the parent company. The shares can be traded electronically via any broker or bank. You can either sell them or sit and watch the share value increase. 

Detailed info re what stakeholders will need to do to have their PEPs converted into shares will be posted here in due couirse. This will include downloading an official form, completing it and returning it to us. It will also include how to create an account with our international clearing house for all share transactions. 


Do not contact GWN support about the IPO process.
---------------------------- End Update ---------------------------
If you don't know much - or nothing at all, yet - about GreenWin! Network / GreenWin! Group, please feel free to either search my Blog here at IBS or go directly to my GreenWin! Blog at 

To Join GreenWin! simply click on the Link below and 

Register for FREE 

Once inside you have all the possibilities the Backoffice offers and also the opportunity to purchase some PEPs, which personally I'd like to urge you to do as thiey will turn out to be your Personal Retirement Plan: 

Let The Success Always Be With You!

Cheers from Lima, Peru

Thomas Jungblut


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

GreenWin! News Update 6th March - Just a liiiittle bit longer

Just an other blog post...

News Update 6th March

Messenger: The screen sharing issue has been fixed. Messenger is having further tests this week but should be released within 10 days.

MobiPortal: The simplified call functions have been integrated now which enable MobiPortal to be used on any browser supported mobile phone. The team will do more testing and aiming to release MobiPortal within 10 days.

Phones: The new design for the phone is done and new samples produced with the updated software and OS. The plasma screen for stylus and touch control has been improved and the new 12 pixel camera system integrated. Further testing is needed before the production phase begins.

SIM Cards: Mass production should begin soon to deliver a new standard SIM card. The card will install the GW software onto any browser supported phone and will include internet / data transfer. The card will be 'almost' free to purchase costing only a few Euros. The card will enable ad channels to be delivered by partner companies.

GWN: We are in talks re GWN being taken over and run by a different management group. GWN would continue as an independent direct sales company selling the products and services developed by GreenWin Group Ltd. We will keep you posted re this process.

Stakeholders: GWG management are in talks with a listed company re a takeover. The company shares are right for a takeover at this time. IF an agreement is reached, GWG will takeover and absorb the company with a name change to GreenWin and a new valuation based on the products and services GWG has been developing behind the scenes for the last year. Stakeholder PEPs will be converted into shares which can be traded ellectronically via any brokerage. We would expect the share value to rise signifcantly based on independent valauation and deployment of products and services like MobiSight and the green battery in conjunction with large JV partners. The takeover offers GWG the opportunity to go onto the stock market via the back door much quicker and at significantly less cost that previously projected. This can mean very good news for stakeholders who are looking to see an ongoing dramatic increase in their equity value. We will keep you posted re this process. IF an agreement is reached the process will take several weeks to complete.

Please do not contact GWN support re the above process. They simply cannot answer any questions regarding the activities of GreenWin Group Ltd.

---------------------------- End Update ---------------------------

To Join GreenWin! simply click on the Link below and

Register for FREE

Once inside you have all the possibilities the Backoffice offers and also the opportunity to purchase some PEPs, which personally I'd like to urge you to do as thiey will turn out to be your Personal Retirement Plan:

Let The Success Always Be With You!