Just an other
blog post...
News Update 17th June
I cannot say and stress this often enough:
These GreenWin! PEPs - and soon-to-be shares - will be your retirement plan!!!
Buy some PEPs NOW, while they're still available (PEP price €1,00 p.p.; minimum order 10 PEPs) and wait for the special Dividend Payment to happen and for the windfall they will experience on the IPO when converted into publicly tradable shares of Greenwin Corp AB (= Swedish form of "Inc." or "Corp." or "Ldt.").
Get your last pennies together and buy buy buy whatever you can afford! It WILL pay off... and big time!!!
If you don't know much - or nothing at all, yet - about GreenWin! Network / GreenWin! Group, please feel free to search my GreenWin! Blog here at http://ThomasJungblut.biz
To Join GreenWin! simply click on the Link below and
Once inside you have all the possibilities the Backoffice offers and also the opportunity to purchase some PEPs, which personally I'd like to urge you to do as they will turn out to be your Personal Retirement Plan. They're expected to pay now on the sale of GWN already somewhat around €0.35 per PEP in dividends, practically reembursing you 1/3 of your investment!!! And that is not even considering the 25% or 50% Matching Bonus you'll get with this "late" and last purchase:
---------------------- start Update ----------------------
News Update 17th June
Stakeholders: Those of you sending in forms with your broker info have done well with most of them correct and completed. Thank you for that.
For those of you that were questioning the abbreviation 'VP Number' on the form; this is simply your share dealing account ID number.
For those of you who have broker accounts but cannot have their service extended to trade shares held in Sweden; please use the managed service for now or the recommended broker service we will introduce next week.
We are checking out a couple of online broker services for you all and will post a link next week.
The staff in Sweden will continue to get broker forms processed and will be ready to accept the managed account forms next week. They will provide the 'power of attorney' form to complete for that service next week. You will only need to complete and return that form to Sweden if you are not using your own broker services.
Please remember that you can begin using the managed account service and switch later to your own broker account if you wish.
Please do not worry about the 30th June date. You will not miss out if your form has not been received by then. We will simply have all PEPs converted into shares and held with the parent company shares until you contact us with instructions. But please do try to get your form back to the team in Sweden as soon as as you can. Thanks.
PEPs can still be purchased with the bonus:
1 PEP = 1 Euro
10 to 499 gets a 25% bonus
500 or more gets a 50% bonus
Payment can be made to our AlertPay ID: support@greenwinnetwork.com
or ask for our bank info for amounts of 500 Euros +
For those members who have reserved PEPs; please try to get your payment in by the end of June. Thanks
---------------------- end Update ---------------------- Dear Reader!
I cannot say and stress this often enough:
These GreenWin! PEPs - and soon-to-be shares - will be your retirement plan!!!
IF....... yeah IF you buy (or already own) some!
A Special Dividend will be paid due to the GreenWin! Network sale and it's expected to be somewhere around €0,35 per PEP (or €0,035 per Share) which you could also interpret as a 33% "discount" if you'd purchase still while they're availabe; and there ARE still some PEPs availabe!!! I would say this is your absolute LAST CHANCE to really - and for relatively small money - make a difference in your future (financial) life!Buy some PEPs NOW, while they're still available (PEP price €1,00 p.p.; minimum order 10 PEPs) and wait for the special Dividend Payment to happen and for the windfall they will experience on the IPO when converted into publicly tradable shares of Greenwin Corp AB (= Swedish form of "Inc." or "Corp." or "Ldt.").
Get your last pennies together and buy buy buy whatever you can afford! It WILL pay off... and big time!!!
If you don't know much - or nothing at all, yet - about GreenWin! Network / GreenWin! Group, please feel free to search my GreenWin! Blog here at http://ThomasJungblut.biz
To Join GreenWin! simply click on the Link below and
Register for FREE
Once inside you have all the possibilities the Backoffice offers and also the opportunity to purchase some PEPs, which personally I'd like to urge you to do as they will turn out to be your Personal Retirement Plan. They're expected to pay now on the sale of GWN already somewhat around €0.35 per PEP in dividends, practically reembursing you 1/3 of your investment!!! And that is not even considering the 25% or 50% Matching Bonus you'll get with this "late" and last purchase:
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