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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

GREENWIN! - News Update 23rd September - What "Synergy" and "MyCrowd" is all about

Just an other blog post...

News Update 23rd Sept 

Hello again

Today I will recap on what I have been writing about in the previous updates.

Synergy Equity Group Ltd is formed and already taking on projects to invest into. Synergy is a private equity investment and asset management company.  I will give you an idea of some of these projects in a moment.

Synergy now owns This is just one of several projects that Synergy will be owning or partly owning. 

MyCrowd is a social / business network that will launch in October. The site is a bit like facebook or to be more facebook used to be. 

Within the social networking site there is a Portal. The Portal will have multiple sites integrated into it offering a range of services, features, tools, products, ways to make money and build a referral network. The portal will be there when MyCrowd launches in Octiober. 

When you log in to MyCrowd you will automatically be logged into all the sites in the portal. 

The portal also contains your back office whre you can track your referral network, view your commissions and a bunch of other cool features you will discover. 

GWN will be folded into and be absorbed by MyCrowd. This includes the referral networks. 

One of the features in the portal will be Synergy showcasing projects that it has taken on to work with. 

Synergy earmarks and sets aside some of the equity in these projects for members of MyCrowd to purchase via micro investments. 

This offers members the opportunity to build their own portfolio of equity investments from a growing range of projects that Synergy accept to take on.

There is no obligation to build your portfolio by making your own picks as you wil have the option to let Synergy manage everything on your behalf. 

There will be several ways to generate income within MyCrowd including equity investments. 

One of the ways you can build residual commission is by subscription packages. The higher the subscription you take, the more levels you will earn commisison from. 

This gives you the possibility to manage the growth of your referral network if you chosse to build one. 

Part of your subscription package is invested with Synergy to build a long term equity income for you. 

Only members who have taken a subscription package can build their own portfolio. 

There is no obligation to subscribe. You can stay as a free member for as long as you wish earning commisisons from your 1st level only. 

Every member, free and subscribed, can use their cash account to invest with Synergy at any time. Your cash account is where you will receive commissions, profit share and where any additional money you deposit is held. This investment goes into the pooled account with Synergy. 

You will see the options available to you clearly displayed and explained in your new MyCrowd back office. 

Over time, Synergy will have a large portfolio of companies that it ha sinvested into. We have had several comanies approach us or have been introduced to them. 

Here is a partial listing of the projects we are looking at taking on. 

1. A platform for the mass market that lets anyone create and publish their own app for a small fee.

2. A new encrypted email service...probalby the most secure in the world right now with technical patents and no competitors.

3. A viral promotion tool for ecommerce sites.

4. A music and sound production company for film, TV and radio... already well established.

5. A video creation and rendering platform for site publishers. 

6. An online payment system like paypal and AlertPay. 

7. A green / clean tech company who have developed an ingenious waste management system. 

8. A new mobile phone & telecoms service provider in South Africa.

and of course Synergy already has equity in GreenWin Corp who is developing the MobiSight range of services and the green battery charger. 

You will be able to view full profile info on all projects Synergy takes on via the MyCrowd portal or directly at the Synergy web site which will also be publsihed in October. The profile will include details on the services or products the company sells as well as profit projections and potential exit values.

This is just the begining...there will be many more projects being taken on. 

Some of these projects will grow very quickly and be sold out for massive profits...and MyCrowd members will have the opportunity to get a slice of those profits via the pooled fund with Synergy and by taking equity that Synergy sets aside for members to get evenm ore profits for themselves by making micro investments into the projects they like the look of. 

A micro investment is a small amount of money as low as 1 Euro. Members can of course invest many thousands into a project if they wish. We leave you free to make your own choices. 

To sum it up; MyCrowd offers you the opportunity to join for free and to start building a residual income from commisisons and to increase that income by taking subscriiption packages that also give you access to build your own equity portfolio by selecting to micro invest into projects presented by Synergy Equity Group. 

You can also opt to enter into the invstment pool at any time with any amount of money from your MyCrowd back office cash account. Your cash account is where your commissions and profit share are paid into to. It is also where any additional money you choose to deposit is held prior to you placing it with the pooled fund or into your own portfolio selections if you have one. You need to be a subscribed member befoe you can have your own portfolio and make you rown investment picks. 

Stakeholders from GWN already have equity being placed into the pooled account with Synergy which gives them a full 10% profit share from MyCrowd plus a percentage of profit share from every other project that Synergy invests into to as well as 20 million shares in GreenWin Corp managed for them by Synergy Equity Group. So you made a good choice if you decided to become a stakeholder in GWN...because you are getting so much more than you ever imagined you would. 

Phew.. that is a lot of info to take in...but please do read it all again so that you understand the amazing opportunity you are being presented with by being active in MyCrowd. 

Now back to the present. i got hold of the API docs for the webinar system and have arranged with a developer to do the integration work into the GWN back office. He will do it this week. Then, when MyCrowd portal is launched the webinar system will be there will messenger..the telecoms voip back office and  a whole bunch of other tools and services. 

Have a good weekend.



----------------------- end Update ---------------------------

If you have never heard of or about GreenWin! before or have heard of it but are no member yet, please go to and become a member and automatically also an Affiliate, entiteld to earn commissions on your ten level deep Organization. Don't worry: It's FREE to Join, and it's FREE to stay. No autoship! No monthly fees!

And all the confusing stuff that you have read about above here becomes clearer once you're in and get to know your ways around. And since it doesn't cost you anything... what have you got to lose?

Look all through this Blog to find out more what GreenWin! (= future "MyCrowd") is all about.

May The Success Always Be With You!  

Cheers from Lima, Peru  

Thomas Jungblut


Sunday, September 18, 2011

GREENWIN! - News Update 17th September - BIG Changes coming up and ahead!

Just an other blog post... 

News Update 17th Sept

Hello again. Today I am going to give you a bit more info on what will be happening with the new site and portal.

The new site will be a socail / business networking site. When you log in you will then have the option to go to the new portal.

The portal will have multiple sites integrated into it that will give you multiple ways to generate income and have fun.

One section of the portal will run by Synergy Equity Group. In that section we will showcase projects that we have decided to invest into. The idea is to allow subscribed members to have the opportunity to do micro investments into these projects.

Eveery member who has taken a subscription package has a percentage of that subscription allocated to investment managed by Synergy via the pooled equity fund.

Members can also make ''as and when '' payments into tha tinvestment account whenever they wish.

There is never any obligation to subscribe or invest into any project. You are free to enjoy the portal without obligation.

Members who wish to build their own portfolio within the safety of Synergy can do so. After the due dligence has been done and we take on a project we will set aside a percentage of equity for members to take. This can be done with micro investment so don't think you have to invest thousands or even hundreds.

You will be able to view and read about the open projects and basically cherry pick the ones that get you most excited.

Keep in mind that this will be in addition to the equity sharing you will get any way because you are a subscriber. But getting into the micro investments is a way to really increase your equity holdings and potential profits from your selected projects.

When a project has received the full funding required, it will be moved to ''funding closed''. But you can always check the ''New Projects'' or ''Funding Open'' pages for more projects Synergy is working with.
So apart from social / business networking (our site for that is a bit like facebook...but not exactly the same) will also be getting access to the portal where you can romp around enjoying things like auctions...various platforms to sell your services and well as play lotto or get into chat rooms...or how about message boards or sharing music and videos...or maybe opening your own store or going shopping into the super store....and of course you can use the telecoms voip sysnten as well as the webinar system and down load messenger.

We will be integrating of our sites into the will get about 10 to 12 of them at the start...the rest will follow soon after.

Apart from the Synergy equity fund and micro investment opportunities, you will have multiple other ways to generate affiliate income.

We are making good progress and will get the new site and portal launched asap..but I will keep you posted every week from now on.

I was working towards this last year...but got held hostage by the GWC i can move forward again to focus on bringing this great idea to fruition.
There is just one other thing i want to tell you today...I have decided to change the name of the site and drop the name greenwin network.

You will still be able to use your GWN affiliate link for a while yet...and any ads you have out there will work via the redirection we will set up for your links.

But at some point you will need to use the new referral link that will be available in the new portal back office. 

Synergy will own 100% of the new company with the original stakeholders being allocated 10% which is manged by Synergy.

The new name is going to be...  ''MyCrowd''
Synergy will also manage the shares held in GWC.

GWN will be closed and all assets, rights and networks transferred over to MyCrowd.

You do not need to do anything now. Just let me complete the processes and get the whole system up ASAP.

I know this has all taken way too long...but my hands were tied with GWC using up almost all the available funding....but my patience has run out now and I am demanding redress and delivery of services.... in fact as a shareholder and the representative of Synergy, I am demanding full transparency and accountability from GWC....I will of course keep you posted. But please do not worry...nothing will be lost here and your equity is protected.
I have taken over control of the webinar and messenger projects and will have those delivered to you PDQ...

Until next time.

------------------------ end Update ----------------------------
If you have never heard of or about GreenWin! before or have heard of it but are no member yet, please go to and become a member and automatically also an Affiliate, entiteld to earn commissions on your ten level deep Organization. 
Don't worry: It's FREE to Join, and it's FREE to stay.

            No autoship!
                                           No monthly fees!

And all the confusing stuff that you have read about above here becomes clearer once you're in and get to know your ways around. And since it doesn't cost you anything... what have you got to lose?

May The Success Always Be With You!

Cheers from Lima, Peru

Thomas Jungblut


Thursday, September 15, 2011

News Update 9th Sept - CF is back in the game; things start moving again!

Just an other blog post...

After a long - and for many, the author and owner of this Blog included, way too long wait for things to happen, atr least Updates seem to happen now on a more frequent basis.
Here's the latest one... the

News Update 9th Sept

Hello again,

This is Christian posting another update for you.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted me about my last post regarding the creation and launch of Synergy Equity Group Ltd.

There have been several very good ideas suggested on how things can be structured and I have listened to those suggestions.

Here are a few of those suggestions that will  be implemented:

Lower minimum deposit. The minimum deposit to the fund will be 1 Euro rather than 100 Euros....deposits can be made now to the GWN AlertPay account or you can wait for the Synergy AlertPay account to be created.

Transfers to bank account are possible now...please contact GWN support for bank info

Lower subscription amount to get members moving faster. The starting subscription will now be 25 Euros per month rising to 100 Euros per month in stages which will activate the levels of commissions received....(a lot of requests have come in asking if subscriptions are possible now...sorry but they are please wait for Synergy to have its own AlertPay business verified account)

Free membership: receives commission from direct referrals only.

Subscribe 25 Euros per month: get paid from 2 levels

Subscribe 50 Euros per month: get paid from 4 levels

Subscribe 75 Euros per month: get paid from 6 levels

Subscribe 100 Euros per month: get paid from 8 levels

All deposits will generate commission whether it is a single one of seposit or a subscription.

Commissions can be withdrawn or transferred to another member or put back into the investment fund...all with a single click.

Low flat rate management fee on single one off depsoits and a fixed flat rate fee on all subscriptions.

Members can apply for funding if they have a real and legal business

Members will receive finder fee payment if they introduce a business that is accepted for investment.

The entire upline of the member getting paid the finders fee will also receive a bonus payment.

Referral commisisons that cannot be allocated will go into a special pool that wil be paid out to leaders.

These are sveral of the ideas and suggestions I have received.

We are moving very quickly with the set up processes....the web site is underway as is the new back office. We have all the legal documents in process and various bank and trading accounts being created.

We have our Chief Investment Officer on board ...he has over 25 years experience as a senior fund manager and has been involved in creating several investment and hedge funds and a bank....he will be introducing himslef to you all when the site is published as well as posting regular investment updates in the news section of the site.

All the admin, marketing and affiliate management will be done in the Philipinnes and possibly Hong Kong as well. This side of the biz will be handled by a very experienced director and consultant to the network marketing industry who will put his own hand picked team in place to keep the wheels turning as smoothly as possible.

We now have more than 10 possible equity investments to choose from with one of them being a massive cash cow business...

If you are reading this update but have no idea what I am talking about..then please go to the update posted before this one....and yes I  know its a long one ...but it is worth the effort to read.

So far only 1 shareholder has requested to keep GWC shares independent from Synergy...even after I explained at length and in detail that this is not a good investment strategy...and all the reasons why it is better to keep everything within Synergy...but one out of 3000 shareholders is ok....I actually expected a lot more but it seems that the vision for Synergy is shared with the original stakeholders...thank you for that vote of confidence.

Now to GWN and GWC...

I owe you all an apology for taking my eye off the ball and moving into other areas too soon. Well I am back and have taken full control of GWN again and will be moving forward with the mega portal again... bringing in multiple services, products and income streams for affiliates to earn from....yes I know its what you have all been screaming now you are going to get it...just give me a bit time to pull it off.

The GWN move to the Philipinnes is going smoothly...thats because I am managing it and overseeing all the processes. Our new partners over there will be working closely with me in completing the mega portal as fast as possible as well as ensuring that all the sites integrated into the portal are fully compliant and working properly.

I am very happy that we did not sell GWN too simply has so much growth potential as a platform for multiple services and products.

I was over in Sweden again this week doing an amount of ranting and raving and table thumping directed at the CTO of GWC. I am not happy at all with the pace of development and very late well as how money is being spent...

I went into this joint venture because I saw the potential of what was being developed...but for crying out long does it take.

Anyway...part of my rant was to demand compensation of 5 million shares for the original stakeholders for late delivery...and i will get those shares for you.

I think we will see a lot more focussed attention from GWC.

As I mentioned to one of the shareholders the other day ... I am dammed well going to get those services and products one way or the other... I have seen their potential.

The GWN back office is we should be seeing the webinar system and messenger making an appearance at some point in the near future.... I am on it and pushing hard.

Ok that's it for now....

If you have contacted me but not had a reply...I am not ignoring you or being rude...I just have not had time yet to get back to you...but i WILL.

Have a great weekend.

--------------------------- end Update ---------------------------

If you have never heard of GreenWin! before or have heard of it but are no member yet, please go to and become a member and automatically also an Affiliate, entiteld to earn commissions on your ten level deep Organization. Don't worry: It's FREE to join, and it's FREE to stay. No autoship! No monthly fees!

May The Success Always Be With You!

Cheers from Lima, Peru

Thomas Jungblut



Sunday, September 11, 2011

GREENWIN! - News Update 9th Sept - CF is back in the game; things start moving again!

Just an other blog post...

News Update 9th Sept

Hello again,

This is Christian posting another update for you.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted me about my last post regarding the creation and launch of Synergy Equity Group Ltd.

There have been several very good ideas suggested on how things can be structured and I have listened to those suggestions.

Here are a few of those suggestions that will  be implemented:

Lower minimum deposit. The minimum deposit to the fund will be 1 Euro rather than 100 Euros....deposits can be made now to the GWN AlertPay account or you can wait for the Synergy AlertPay account to be created.

Transfers to bank account are possible now...please contact GWN support for bank info

Lower subscription amount to get members moving faster. The starting subscription will now be 25 Euros per month rising to 100 Euros per month in stages which will activate the levels of commissions received....(a lot of requests have come in asking if subscriptions are possible now...sorry but they are please wait for Synergy to have its own AlertPay business verified account)

Free membership: receives commission from direct referrals only.

Subscribe 25 Euros per month: get paid from 2 levels

Subscribe 50 Euros per month: get paid from 4 levels

Subscribe 75 Euros per month: get paid from 6 levels

Subscribe 100 Euros per month: get paid from 8 levels

All deposits will generate commission whether it is a single one of seposit or a subscription.

Commissions can be withdrawn or transferred to another member or put back into the investment fund...all with a single click.

Low flat rate management fee on single one off depsoits and a fixed flat rate fee on all subscriptions.

Members can apply for funding if they have a real and legal business

Members will receive finder fee payment if they introduce a business that is accepted for investment.

The entire upline of the member getting paid the finders fee will also receive a bonus payment.

Referral commisisons that cannot be allocated will go into a special pool that wil be paid out to leaders.

These are sveral of the ideas and suggestions I have received.

We are moving very quickly with the set up processes....the web site is underway as is the new back office. We have all the legal documents in process and various bank and trading accounts being created.

We have our Chief Investment Officer on board ...he has over 25 years experience as a senior fund manager and has been involved in creating several investment and hedge funds and a bank....he will be introducing himslef to you all when the site is published as well as posting regular investment updates in the news section of the site.

All the admin, marketing and affiliate management will be done in the Philipinnes and possibly Hong Kong as well. This side of the biz will be handled by a very experienced director and consultant to the network marketing industry who will put his own hand picked team in place to keep the wheels turning as smoothly as possible.

We now have more than 10 possible equity investments to choose from with one of them being a massive cash cow business...

If you are reading this update but have no idea what I am talking about..then please go to the update posted before this one....and yes I  know its a long one ...but it is worth the effort to read.

So far only 1 shareholder has requested to keep GWC shares independent from Synergy...even after I explained at length and in detail that this is not a good investment strategy...and all the reasons why it is better to keep everything within Synergy...but one out of 3000 shareholders is ok....I actually expected a lot more but it seems that the vision for Synergy is shared with the original stakeholders...thank you for that vote of confidence.

Now to GWN and GWC...

I owe you all an apology for taking my eye off the ball and moving into other areas too soon. Well I am back and have taken full control of GWN again and will be moving forward with the mega portal again... bringing in multiple services, products and income streams for affiliates to earn from....yes I know its what you have all been screaming now you are going to get it...just give me a bit time to pull it off.

The GWN move to the Philipinnes is going smoothly...thats because I am managing it and overseeing all the processes. Our new partners over there will be working closely with me in completing the mega portal as fast as possible as well as ensuring that all the sites integrated into the portal are fully compliant and working properly.

I am very happy that we did not sell GWN too simply has so much growth potential as a platform for multiple services and products.

I was over in Sweden again this week doing an amount of ranting and raving and table thumping directed at the CTO of GWC. I am not happy at all with the pace of development and very late well as how money is being spent...

I went into this joint venture because I saw the potential of what was being developed...but for crying out long does it take.

Anyway...part of my rant was to demand compensation of 5 million shares for the original stakeholders for late delivery...and i will get those shares for you.

I think we will see a lot more focussed attention from GWC.

As I mentioned to one of the shareholders the other day ... I am dammed well going to get those services and products one way or the other... I have seen their potential.

The GWN back office is we should be seeing the webinar system and messenger making an appearance at some point in the near future.... I am on it and pushing hard.

Ok that's it for now....

If you have contacted me but not had a reply...I am not ignoring you or being rude...I just have not had time yet to get back to you...but i WILL.

Have a great weekend.

------------------------ end Update ----------------------------

If you have never heard of GreenWin! before or have heard of it but are no member yet, please go to and become a member and automatically also an Affiliate, entiteld to earn commissions on your ten level deep Organization. Don't worry: It's FREE to join, and it's FREE to stay. No autoship! No monthly fees!

Let The Success Always Be With You!

Cheers from Lima, Peru

Thomas Jungblut

