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Friday, May 27, 2011

GREENWIN! - News Update 26th May - Best News since two years: IPO Starts!!!

Just an other blog post...

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News Update 26th May
Stakeholders: You can go to the equity section of your back office and click on the link SHARES which you will see in the left navigation menu underneath MY EQUITY.
Read and follow the instructions. Download the form, complete it fully and correctly then send it to the address or fax number you will see on the form.

We will post further info for stakeholders waiting for the managed service. This will be for stakeholders who do not or cannot open a share delaing service with a bank or broker.

Shares: Each PEP will initially be converted into 10 shares in GreenWin Corp which is registered and listed in Sweden. This initial leveraging of PEPs to shares will already generate a windfall equity profit for stakeholders.
The initial share values are expected to rise quickly as the services are deployed and a demand for the shares increases. It is demand for the shares that increases their value. Please keep in mind that no one can predict when share prices will rise or fall or what value they will have at any given time. This is the nature of speculative investing in any company. But the probability is that the share price WILL increase and as it does so (not guaranteed) you will, as a shareholder, have the option to sell some or all of your shares and to take the profit being generated. Or you may opt to take along term view to enjoy potential future dividneds and large increases in the share value as GWC continues to grow.
The share value will change often and can fall as well as rise. The daily price is quoted via Euro clear and can be checked via your bank or broker online share dealing service.

Thank you.

PEPs: Many stakeholders have asked for an extension of the purchase cut off date which was due end of May. We will extend the purchase of PEPs including the matching bonus into june.

You can still purchase the last remaining PEPs.

10 to 499 PEPs has a 25% matching bonus

500+ PEP has a 50% matching bonus.
Services: We expect to complete the transition of stakeholders to shareholders in the parent company GreenWin Corp during June. As this process is completed GreenWin Corp will release MobiPortal, Messenger and the Webinar / online meeting system to be promoted via the GWN affiliate program.

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Dear Reader!

I cannot say and stress this often enough: These GreenWin! PEPs - soon-to-be shares - will be your retirement plan. IF.... yeah IF you buy (or already own) some. A Special Divident will be paid on the GWN sale expected to be around €0,35 per PEP (or €0,035 per Share) which you could also interpret as a 33% "discount" if you'd purchase still while they're availabe. I would say this is your absolute LAST CHANCE to really - for relatively small money - make a difference in your future (financial) life!

Buy some PEPs NOW, while they're still available (PEP price €1,00 p.p.; minimum order 10 PEPs) and wait for the special Dividend payment to happen and the windfall they'll experience on the IPO when converted into tradable shares of Greenwin Corp. AB.

Get your last pennies together and buy buy buy what you can! It WILL pay off... and big time!!!

If you don't know much - or nothing at all, yet - about GreenWin! Network / GreenWin! Group, please feel free to read my entire Blog here at

To Join GreenWin! simply click on the Link below and

Register for FREE

Once inside you have all the possibilities the Backoffice offers and also the opportunity to purchase some PEPs, which personally I'd like to urge you to do as they will turn out to be your Personal Retirement Plan. They're expected to pay now on the sale of GWN already somewhat around €0.35 per PEP in dividends, practically reembursing you 1/3 of your investment!!! And that is not even considering the 25% or 50% Matching Bonus you'll get with this "late" and last purchase:

Let The Success Always Be With You!

Cheers from Lima, Peru

Thomas Jungblut


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