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Monday, November 29, 2010

News Update 25th Nov

SureCalls:  Telecoms team has released the SureCalls module. You can now purchase top up credits via your telecoms back office. The credits will allow you to use the following functions in the telecoms portal.

CallBack. enter your number into the call back field and the system will call you on that number. On answer you will be prompted to enter the number you wish to call. You can enter any number into the system. It can be a landline or a mobile number. It does not need to be your GWN registered mobile number.

P2P.  Enter your number into the P2P field plus he number you want to call. The system will call both numbers for you. When you answer you will hear the other number ringing. You can enter any number into the system. It can be a landline or a mobile number. It does not need to be your GWN registered mobile number.

Wephone: Dial any number in the world and the system will connect you at the discounted rates.

PhoneBook. Enter any number in the world into the phone book. You can use the speed dial function to call that number at the discounted rates.

Call Forwarding: Enter any number into the system except your GWN registered mobile number.  The system will route calls to the number you have entered. This feature only works when someone tries to call your registered mobile number uisng the phonebook speed dialer, webphone or MobiPortal dialers.

FreeCalls: Until the mobiPortal is released FreeCalls are only possible via webphone to webphone or phonebook speed dial to webphone. When you install the mobiPortal you wil lbe able to receive calls directly to your mobile phone device.

MobiPortal: Almost ready. Management have requested a couple of cosmetic tweaks. So we are going to keep you waiting just a little bit longer before the app is released.

Calling your own number: Calling your own registered mobile number using the webphone or speed dial will not work. This is like calling your mobile phone number using your mobile phone that the number is linked to. A lot of members have been trying to do this and then opening support requests to report that the system is not working !!!

Support Requests: Just a polite reminder from the support team to NOT keep asking them when things are going to happen. They simply do not know and can only give you polite responses (mostly polite). The only people who know when a specific module, app or service is going live are the developers who work on that project. Even management wiill not know until the dev team responsible tell them that a module release has been uploaded.
There are still members bombarding the support team almost every day with these future orientated question.
Support is there to assist with accounts. They cannot answer what they do not know. And by the time they do know that a service is live, you know it also via the news updates.

So please hold back from asking support ''when will .....launch''

News Update 19th Nov

Telecoms Portal: The team report they have completed the updates and server synch. They will begin to work through the accounts that are not able to access or use the webphone. Some of the issues they have already seen are things like special characters in the passwords, wrong passwords entered when registering for paid and free trial. All of these will be fixed after they look into each account.

MobiPortal: The team report that they are satisfied after further tweaks and are confident that the MobiPortal will work on all the Symbian OS phones. They should be signing off on the application by Wednesday. They apologize for the delay but as they say ''No point in releasing an application that will only work on half of the symbian phones''

Free Trial Time Out: If your free trial has expired you will get another 7 days free just as soon as the mobile services goes live. The 7 days will give you access again to the telecoms back office portal and the new MobiBrowser.

Paid Access: All members who have already paid will also have the start date of their registration adjusted to begin again as soon as the MobiPortal is deployed. This wil lensure that you get the full 12 months that you paid for.

Top up Credits: This module wil lalso be released next week after further tweaks and testing to make sure that the up line comms were being allocated.

Mega Portal: Quite a few members are already aware of this development and have begged us to release more info. We had not intended to do so but after further discussion have agreed to begin releasing some info.
The new Mega Portal is nearing completion for 1st phase launch. It will be another 4 to 5 weeks before it is published.
The portal will initially consist of over 20 sites that can all be access via one login.
The sites, features and functions will include:

Portal Homepage: This will be your access point to everything in the portal. It will be a Yahoo like experience but very much a GWN look and feel
Search Engine: A complete internet search engine that allows you to search the web, video, audio, news, blogs, local, shopping and much more. You willl also have your own personal search pages, favorites and various widgets to create 'my pages'
Search in multiple languages and filters. Change the page views to preview sites and user comments before clicking through to that site.
AdServer: Put ads into the adserver for placement in the search engine pages and on the GWN portal web sites. Anyone in your referral network placing ads will generate instant real time commission for you.
AdMarkets: Publishers, webmasters and site owners can slect ads to display on their own web sites and blogs and earn a percentage of all click through revenue.
email: includes full featured webmail and POP3
Community: A 'closed' community site with more features than you can shake a strick at. THink facebook and you wil lget the idea
Mixr: An 'open' community site that is focusse don multi media; sharing video, music, photos, blogs and more
Markit: Our social book marking site that offers a lot more than just posting links.
QA: Our community questions and answers site that also inlcudes video /audio postings and some very cool navigation.
Boards: Message boards and forums. These are not your average boards and offer some quirky smart features.
Biz Space: Get on here to buy, sell, get noticed.
Dating: Our full featured dating site for singles.
SellIt: A super easy, fast way to sell your stuff
52100: Our very cool site that lets you offer services to members for 5 to 100 Euros
Deal: great deals from around the world just for GWN community.
SFN: Our Social Funding Network is a great place to get your project launched and supported
SuperMall: THis iso ur MultiVendor Mall. THink Amazon and you will ge tthe idea. If you are a merchant you can have your very own section of the mall to sell your products. Ther eis no set up or upfront fees. Merchants simply agree to a percentage of every sale going to GWN. This is a fully automated process. So when anyone in your referral network makes a purchase you wil learn instant commission.
The Super Mall will start small and grow bigger each month until it has many thousands of in demand products at great prices. Everybody wins with the GWN SuperMall
News: Our news portal will introduce more and more PNN ''Positive News Network''
File Share: No big deal here. It is simply our version of rapid share and a lot of other file sharing/ archiving sites out there.
VideoCache: Great for instantly finding those hard to find YouTube videos
MP3 Cache: Ther eis  alot of your favorite music on the net. Her eis one very cool way to find and play it
Radio Cache: From classics to classical, Rock to Indie. Thousands of stations broadcasting over the net 24/7
Bids: Want to auction your stuff? Just for members our fab auction site will get things moving.
Lotto: This will actually come in the new year after we get the lotto license. A new way to play lotto and you get to select the winning numbers as well as what charities get the proceeds.
Messenger: our 1st version of messenger wil lgo live with the mega portal. Messenger works just like Skype and offers the same features. But you can also call your contacts mobile phones for free using all the usual goodies like chatting, conferencing, file share, broadcast desktop, give remote control of mouse pointer etc.
In future releases of Messenger we will add even more features.

The list above is not complete. We will be eleasing more sites in the mega portal through 2011 including:

Webinar Services
Site Maker
....and many others

As member affilaites you wil always share in the income streams whenever money is involved. Whether it is adverts, members selling stuff, auctions , lotto and of course telecoms.

Please do not open support tickets about the mega portal or any of the sites, features or services. Please wait until the portal is actually there and you have had a chance to play with it.

News Update 15th Nov

MobiPortal: Telecom team report that they need more time to complete final tests. We will get another update from them tomorrow.

Sorry for the delay but they need to be sure that there will be no glitches with the MobiPortal access from many fifferent types of phones.

Server Updates: Over the next 2 to 3 days there will be some interruption to the services as server / data base updates continue. This should complete the 1st phase of telecoms launch and fix any remaining non connection issues that some members are reporting.

SureCall Functions: Completed, currently being tested.

News Update 10th Nov

Registered Numbers: Telecom team report that members who have not been able to receive calls to their registered mobile numbers should be able to do so within 24 hours. They have fixed the issue and all numbers are being pushed onto the SIP Server data base tomorrow.

SureCall Functions: Completed and ready to deploy. But the team have requested one more day to test.

Mobi Portal Update:  Completed but requires some testing to make sure that the portal browser auto fits to the size of every mobile phone screen. Estimated time required is 3 days.

Mobile Services: Ready to launch as soon as the team sign off on the Mobi Portal.

Accessing the Service: There will be a new tab placed into the telecoms back office. This tab will be labelled MobiPortal. When you click on the tab the page will load a mobile phone selection process page. After you have selected your phone type and click on the 'Send SMS To My Phone' button you will receive an SMS with a link. The SMS will be sent to the mobile phone number you registered in the system.
The link in the SMS will download the new MobiPortal. The MobiPortal has icons that you click or touch to access the different functions including FreeCall, SureCall, SMS, Instant Messaging/ Chat, Video Caht / Streaming/ livecast, Invite Contacts, Web Search, Purchase top up and more.

If you do not receive the SMS you should open a support request. The support team will check that the correct mobile number is registered in the correct format. Support will instruct you when to attempt the access process again.

The team estimate 3 more business days to deployment. That will be Monday 15th.


Stakeholders: Mass pay is reported fixed. A live test will be done tomorrow 11th to make sure that all stakeholder accounts are updated. You do not need to open any support requests. Support will know if all the accounts are updated or not.

News Update 5th Nov

Top up Credits:  This module is completed but needs some more testing to make sure that all the commissions are correctly allocated to all the up line members.

The telecoms team hope to release the module on Monday. This will enable SurCalls and the other telecoms back office functions to be activated.

Data Base registrations:  The telecoms team have reported that there are still some mobile numbers not activavted in the system. So if you still can't call a registered mobile number please stay patient. The team are aiming to have this task completed on Monday or Tuesday.

Login Error: If you are being asked to login to the telecoms back office please wait until Monday or Tuesday until this glitch is fixed. You should not need to login to the telecoms portal after you have already logged into your GWN back office.

Mobile Services: No further issues / delays reported. Still on schedule for the 10th Nov.

News Update 1st Nov

SureCalls:  Telecoms team need till 4th Nov to tweak and deploy.

Telecoms Portal: The functions dependent on  the SureCall service will be activated asap after SureCall is deployed.

There are several thousand members actively using the telecoms portal. The feed back is excellent with very few dropped calls or poor voice quality.

As part of a system wide test a small credit of 1 cent was put intio all registered accounts. You can ignore this credit or use it to make a call to a non registered GWN number. (SureCall)

Mobile Services: Telecoms team report that they need until the 10th Nov before they will deploy the 4 mobile platforms via the Mobi Browser.

Stakeholders: We are waiting for the developers to confirm that the new masspay system is finally repaired and working again.

News Update 25th Oct

Telecoms Portal Update:  Since going live the systems has performed very well for most registered users. The feed back has been fantastic with the majority of calls made being high quality and bug free.

The telecoms team has been debugging the few glitches reported so far. This should be completed within 24 hours

Some additional security and other protocols were being worked on today as well as working through the remaining wrong number inputs.

The telecoms team did activate the SureCall function for 24 hours as a live test and even though we did not announce this many members discovered that they could call any number in the world uisng the web phone.

As this was a test, all costs were at the expense of GWN. The test is completed now.

You will be able to call non registered numbers using the SureCall function when SureCall is activated again.

News Update 20th Oct

Telecoms portal: The portal is publsihed now. We still have to push all the registered user names / numbers over to the new SIP Server network. So if you cannot use the portal functions yet please stay patient until your account is fully activated.

Please keep in mind that over 40% of the registered numbers were not entered correctly by members and these are also being fixed.

All registered users should have full access to all functions by close of business on Friday. Please DO NOT open support requests if you cannot use the portal yet.

Top Up Credits: Purchasing top up credits to use some of the functions will be available next week.

Free Trial: Members registered for the free trial will have their start dates adjusted to use the portal and then again to use the mobile services which are scheduled for deployment on the 1st November.

12 Month Access: Registered members will have their start dates adjusted for the portal and then again for the mobile services.

Profit Share: The profit share has been entered into the mass pay system but not all the accounts were updated. This will be fixed ASAP

News Update 15th Oct

Telecoms Portal: The team have now completed the last fixes and will re integrate the new portal at the begining of next week. All features are working and tested for this phase of the beta launch.

Bonuses: All bonuses have been credited based on the verification replies received. If you have not been credited your bonus please open a support request.

Mobile services: The 4 core platforms are ready and can be deployed more or less at the same time. This will be for Symbian. iPhone Android and Windows. The blackberry OS will follow ASAP. The deployment of the mobile services is scheduled for the 1st November.

Start dates: All start dates for the free trial and the 12 month access will be adjusted to begin on the 1st day of the telecoms back office portal going live next week.

Mobile numbers: We are correcting the mobile numbers entered wrongly into the system. These have to be done manually one after the other. When your number is corrected you will be able to receive calls on your mobile phone. Please remain patient while this process is completed. We estimate that it will take until Wednesday or Thursday to complete the task. This will mean that those members who did not enter the correct data will not be able to receive calls on their mobile devices until their number has been corrected.

Profit Share: The profit share has been entered into the system but not all stakeholder accounts were updated. This will be fixed next week.

News Update 9th Oct

Bonus: The bonus deadline was midnight 8th Oct. Sorry but unless you have previously reserved a bonus package there no more left to allocate.

We have allocated most of the pending bonuses but there are still just over 100 members we are waiting for to verify their info.

As we are out of time today and tomorrow is not a working day, we will complete the task on Monday morning and credit the profit share then even if the last few members still have not completed the verification request.

News Update 8th Oct

Telecoms back office: The main bugs are fixed now. So we will aim to publish the telecoms back office early next week.

You will see the new telecoms back office / portal probably on Monday. This will replace the current system.

The new system will not require a log in after you have already logged into your GWN account.

All accounts will be activated in the new system. When your account is activated you will be able to use the functions.

Please note: We have seen a lot of phone numbers have been entered wrongly. So we will have to manually change these.

This will mean that if you have not entered your number in the correct format you will only be able to use some of the functions in the telecoms portal. You will be able to make and receive calls using the portal but you will not be able to receive calls to your mobile phone until the data is entered correctly.

So please do not contact support if your mobile phone can't receive calls yet. This can only happen when your number has been re entered correctly.

We estimate that over 40% of the several thousand numbers entered are wrong.

Please be patient while we sort this out for you. it may take several days to re enter all the wrong numbers.

Bonuses: The bonuses will end at midnight London time tonight. if you are still waiting for your bonus to be credited, please do not open a support request. Just give it another 24 hours and your bonus will be there.

PEPs: No more PEPs will be available after mid night London time tonight

Profit Share: The first profit share will be calculated tomorrow. We need to allow more time for all the bonus PEPs to be credited. This should be completed by 6pm tomorrow. The first profit share is expected to be just over 1 cent per PEP. We expect this to increase rapidly to several Euros per PEP over the next few months as the telecoms services are fully deployed followed by the other income streams. So please manage your expectations as only now can we move forward to deploying what will be an incredible service used by millions.

News Update 6th Oct

The telecoms team have almost completed the testing and debugging of the 1st release of the new telecoms back office.

We will have an update from them tomorrow re the status.

As we prepare to publish this first beta version, we would like to introduce the features and functions that will be at your fingertips.

Please see below for an overview and user guide.

Bonus: The bonus Points will end this Friday 8th October.

Profit Share: The first profit share will be allocated and credited this Friday 8th October. The initial profit sharing will begin small but will grow each month as more and more members subscribe to the telecoms services and / or purchase other services and products which will be part of our increasing income streams.

New GWN Portal: Currently at about 70% completion in its' 1st phase. The new portal will offer members an increasing range of sites, services and goodies. If you want to get an idea of how it is going to look, go to Yahoo. The portal will have its' own unique look and feel as well as already completed sites for social networking, multi media, photo sharing, video, dating, business networking and more.

The portal will be an ongoing development project that will within a few months be translated into multiple languages.

This and several other projects are in develppment at the same time with each project having a project leader and develpment team.

Please keep reading for an overview of the GWN Telecoms services.

Using the GWN Mobi Browser and Telecoms back office portal

1. Register your mobile number in the telecoms section of your GWN back office

2. The functions and features integrated into the telecoms back office will be available to you after registration

3. A message will be sent to your registered mobile number. This message contains a link to access the Mobi Browser

4. Click on the link and login

5. Select the dialer download for your phone and install

6. Start using the Mobi Browser invite feature

7. Make free calls / send texts... and more

8. Buy top up credits to use the SureCall and PAN Call services

You will be amazed at how quickly your referral network can grow when you use the Mobi Browser invite feature. It's like creating a viral ripple that keeps spreading in all directions.

This is Social Marketing and the sheer power of people telling people.

Types of calls you can make using the Telecoms back office or desktop phone


Phone book speed dial to GWN user name: Add a members' user names to the phone book in the telecoms back office. Click on the user name to speed dial that person. The call will be connected to that person's telecoms back office or desktop phone if they are logged in.

Phone book speed dial to mobile number: Add a members' registered mobile number to the phone book. Click on the number to speed dial. The call will be connected to the mobile number. The call is free if the mobile phone is connected to the internet. If not, the call is charged at SureCall rates.

Web Phone to mobile phone: Dial a members' registered mobile number using the web phone interface. The call is free if the mobile phone is connected to the internet. If not, the call is charged at SureCall rates.

Desktop phone to GWN user name: The desktop phone is a ‘softphone' download. Add a members' user name to the desktop phone. Click on the user name to call that member. The member will need to be either logged into the telecoms back office or have their softphone active to receive the call.

Desktop phone to mobile phone: Add a GWN registered mobile number to contacts. Click on the number to speed dial. The call will be connected to the mobile number. The call is free if the mobile phone is connected to the internet. If not, the call is charged at SureCall rates.

SureCalls. Charged at discounted rates.

Call forwarding: Use this feature when you want to route a call to any mobile or land line number. An incoming call to your GWN user name or registered mobile number will be redirected to the number you have entered into the call forwarding field.

Call back: Use this feature when you do not want to be at your PC to make calls. Enter any mobile or landline number into the call back field. The system will call that number prompting you to make your outgoing call. All calls made are charged at the SureCall rates.

P2P: Use this feature when you do not want to be at your PC to make calls. Enter any mobile or land line number into the field. Enter the number of the phone you want to use. The system will connect both phones to the call. Both phones will ring. On pick up you can begin talking.

Web phone to mobile:
Use the web phone in your telecoms back office to dial any mobile number anywhere in the world. Your call will be connected at SureCall rates.

If the mobile number is registered with GWN, the call will be free if the phone is connected to the internet.
Web phone to land line: Use the web phone in your telecoms back office to dial any landline number in the world. Your call will be connected at SureCall rates.

Desktop phone to mobile: Use the desktop phone to dial any mobile number in the world. Your call will be connected at SureCall rates. If the mobile number is registered with GWN, the call will be free if the phone is connected to the internet.

Desktop phone to landline: Use the desktop phone to dial any landline number in the world. Your call will be connected at SureCall rates.

Using the PAN Service.

Personal Access Number is a special local prefix number for the country you are making the call from.

You can get the PAN in the telecoms back office.

When you have the PAN for the country you are calling from, you simply enter this prefix number before dialing the number you want to reach.

Your call is then charged at SureCall rates.

You can use the PAN service with any mobile phone or landline.

You can call any mobile or landline number

You do not need a smart or special phone to use the PAN Service.

Example: You are in the USA and need to call a mobile number overseas.

Enter the PAN for the USA and then call the international mobile number you want to reach.

Your call is connected using the SureCall rates.

There is no connection charge.

There is no roaming fee.

Calls are billed per second.

You could make this call using any mobile or landline phone.

The PAN service can be used in the following situations:

FreeCall is not possible because there is no internet connection for your modern ‘smart' mobile phone.

You are using an old style mobile phone that has no internet access.

Using a landline

Calling a mobile number not registered with GWN.

Calling any national or international landline number

News Update 1st Oct

Telecoms office debug: The chat function was fixed on Monday. During further tests of the web dialer a random glitch was detected that has needed debugging. This was a bug that would allow the auto login connection to be made and then disconnect.
This has also been fixed now. The telecoms team are now doing further tests.

An update will be posted on Tuesday with further news re the new telecoms back office.

Mobile to Mobile Calls: we continue to test with the team and are delighted to report that so far the call quality is excellent using the international free call services. Latency is almost non existant and the audio is better than a normal mobile call. Echo cancellation, noise suppression and packet delivery are highly efficient.

Call rates: We are having our new SureCall tariff comparisons compiled. We are mostly cheaper or about the same as Skype, Google and Yahoo with almost every popular destination. We bill per second and there are no hidden connection or termination fees. What you see is what you pay.

Even with our profit margin we are still mostly cheaper than Skype, Google, Yahoo and most other companies out there....and we will be sharing our profits with you on a 50/50 split. So every time anyone in your referral network buys top up credit you will be earning instant cash commission that can build into a very healthy passive income.